"I'm thankful no one else was able to go..."
The first year I went to camp as a counselor it was honestly because there was no one else to go. Looking back it was a little nudge from God. Being up in the mountains with no electronics for 4-5 days and chapel 2-3 times a day with over 200 kids or so really allows for some amazing experiences.
For me, having the opportunity to get to know those kids on a different level than you do when it’s just one hour on Sunday and maybe an hour on Wednesday night is valuable. Cabin time talks or those talks just walking around during free time were my favorite. Camp allows them, as one of my campers said, to “disconnect from things of the world and reconnect with spiritual things.” It allows them those quiet moments to focus and meditate on God’s word, and you get to be a part of that. I got to be a part of that. Six years later I’m thankful no one else was able to go that year. I haven’t missed a summer since and I’m blessed with the many relationships I have made and the spiritual growth God allowed me to be a part of.
Nichole Haase
Adult Sponsor, Calvary Baptist Merced
What is an Adult Sponsor?
The BDCB does not supply counselors to supervise and guide the students who attend camp. Instead, qualified adults from local churches volunteer to bring students to camp from their church and city. These "Adult Sponsors" serve as the main adult presence at camp work closely with the camp staff to keep kids safe and on task.
-Distribute and collect registration paperwork to the students in their church or city
-Submit paperwork and fees to the Camp Board
-Bring your kids to camp! At camp, Sponsors attend all camp activities and supervise the students under their care
-Facilitate daily bible study using camp materials or your own ideas
-Be prepared to share the gospel message with your students
-Help the camp staff facilitate games and free time activities.
Qualifications: Adult Sponsors must be mature Christians of good report who are active members of their church. Each Adult Sponsor must be endorsed by their pastor before attending camp. Adult Sponsors must be over 18 years of age. Sponsors in Training must be 17 years of age.