Church Leaders, print out your registration forms here.

a $20 per person deposit is due by May 20th, 2024 along with your Tally Sheet.
All checks should be made out to "Baptist District Camp Board."
Mail To:
First Baptist Church Patterson
P.O. Box 1144 Patterson, CA 95363
c/o Dale Torres Jr.
Camp Days
ARRIVAL DAY/TIME: 6/23/24 4:00PM

June 23 - 26, 2024
Summer camp is an amazing time. For a few days in the Summer, Youth from many of our District Churches come together to draw near to Christ, to enjoy His creation, and to spend time in fellowship with others, making lasting friends and memories.
We have the unique opportunity as a District, comprised of our 3 associations of churches, to program, support, serve in and attend our own Summer Camp.
Youth, Youth Leaders and Volunteers who attend camp repeatedly share how the time at camp is fun, edifying and memorable.
Take the opportunity to be a part of camp this year.
Feel free to call or email:
Dale Torres Jr. (209) 485-1687
$275 per person
Register by May 26th