Our Mission:
Our first hope is that the Holy Spirit would already be working in the hearts of students, making them ready to hear and respond to God's Word. We consider it our task to share His Word as it is laid out in the Bible. It is our joy that we can do this in an environment as exciting and fun as Camp.
Our second goal is to set a godly example of daily living. All camp activities provide opportunities to model and practice selflessness, fellowship, kindness and respect. Worship services teach kids the importance of giving God glory and honoring His Word.
3rd - 6th Grade Camp

June 26th-29th, 2024
Church Leaders, print out your registration forms here.
Price per person:
$20 per person deposit is due to Joel Gardner on May 20 along with your Tally Sheet. All checks should be made out to "First Baptist Church."
Mail to:
Joel Gardner
518 Sunflower Dr. Patterson, CA 95363​

Theme: Space
What is Children's Camp?
Children's Camp is an opportunity for students to get away from the routine distractions of daily life and enjoy an environment where they can hear and respond to God's Word. Each day is packed with music, stories, bible study, orgainized recreation and lots of play time outdoors.
Music of the Spheres