Who do I register with?
Campers can register with the church they currently attend, or a participating church in their area. If you are not a church member, or if your church does not participate in District Camp, use the contact form to let us know. We'll connect you with a group who is attending.

What forms do I need?
Each Church needs to fill out a Tally Sheet for each group they send to camp. This means a separate sheet for Children's Camp and a separate sheet for youth camp. This sheet IS DUE MAY 20th. Please submit it by mail or email to the respective camp directors.
A $20 per camper deposit is due with your Tally Sheet by MAY 20. Please make checks out to "First Baptist Church." Send these and your Tally sheet to each camp's respective director. See Contacts.
***Dietary Restrictions can be accommodated by the cooking staff at Calvin Crest. If anyone in your group has serious food allergies or dietary restrictions, please fill out a Dietary Restrictions form and send it to us WITH your tally sheet by May 20th.
Each Camper needs to fill out a Camper Registration Packet. You will submit this completed packet to our staff at registration at Calvin Crest when you arrive at camp.
Each Adult Sponsor or any adult attending camp needs to fill out an Adult Sponsor Registration Packet. You will submit this completed packet to our staff at registration at camp when you arrive. Please note that this packet includes a signature from your pastor, so be sure to review the material in a timely manner.
17 year old Youth Workers or "Sponsors in Training" must fill out the Youth Worker Screening form in addition to their Adults Sponsor registration packet.

Registration Forms
These Packets contain ALL the forms and information sheets a Camper or Sponsor needs!
Dietary Restrictions
Campers or Counselors with allergies or dietary restrictions must fill out this form and turn it in to us along with your tally sheet in order that Calvin Crest can accommodate your needs. Please submit to camp director by May 20, 2024.
Heading 1
Tally Sheet
Turn this in to your director by May 20, 2024
Questions? Just ask...
Children's Camp: Jessica Gardner (209) 627-6834 |
Youth Camp: Dale Torres Jr. | (209) 485-1687 |